Sunday, February 24, 2013

excerpt from a conversation

I get kind of juiced when I think about telling stories that are cutting edge
maybe I'm just young and hyper and want the hype
maybe I have a semi-obsession with video games because they are so immersive to me
I get addicted real fast to video games sometimes
I have to be a bit careful
but anyways
I want to tell stories in new ways, sometimes
and the newest way to tell stories these days is in a game
The difficult thing though, is that people get desensitized.
although hyper-stimulating visually and auditorially and even viscerally through rumble game pads and interactivity,
video games are just as dumb as books, when compared to interacting with a human being
that's why multiplayer games are so successful
when you are able to calm the visuals down enough to create a peaceful sense,
THEN you can get story in there
heck, you can even get story in there in a fast paced game
More and more, video games are trying to create digital places where the socially stimulating and nourishing experiences we have in the real world all the time, can happen
the excitement of collaboration, of spontaneous or "serendipitous" connection
the cameraderie of shared sufferingt
the fullfillment of sharing a goal or value with another person
***** RE: This Twenty years from now, the CEO of the next "Pixar" may be discussing the seminal chat he had with his artist friends... in a chat room. Unlikely, possibly, because person-to-person communication is so much more efficient and stimulating when you're in the same room, especially sharing a meal. But that's only because of the sensory data that is not transmitted with the telecommunication tech we have at this point.

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