Tuesday, March 27, 2012

See below for hyperbole


Seriously, David Fucking Wong is the second coming of fucking Jonathan Swift. And he's writing in one of the pulpiest, low-brow places on the internet.

I just read this article and he described to me almost EXACTLY how I feel- this one article is more insightful than anything I have ever read or heard about gender relations, including from psychiatrists, psychologists, and professors.

Truly there is hope for the world if someone can realize what is going on, and communicate it in this way.

Granted, there is little chance of this article going "viral," which is a shame because it deserves to be.

How the media "market" decides what gets the priority to be communicated, usually mostly has to deal with what will get the most views, therefore the most money for the company. I'm tempted to say that in the modern media, truly useful and insightful public communication is rarer than it used to be, but reasonably it probably hasn't changed a whole lot.


The article is kind of biologically reductionist, which means that is seems to trace all behaviors to biological causes; that is, the "nature" part of "nature versus nurture." I can't tell if that's part of the author being satirical or if it's just his point of view.

One of the commenters said that in his opinion, "The overwhelming power of the male sex drive is purely socialized," which would be the opposite end of the spectrum, "nurture" instead of "nature."

In MY opinion, the reality is probably a combination of the two, the mixture of which depends on the individual and circumstances.

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