Friday, January 13, 2012

I am writing this instead of doing the dishes.

But you know what, that's okay. Because I am okay with the fact that the sink is full of dishes. And in my personal journey, it's more of an accomplishment to not do the dishes, and feel okay about it, than it is to do the dishes.

Now I just need to do the dishes.

Rehearsal is going really well for Broadway Bound, (the play I'm in: info here ) and it's really exciting, because we're so far along in the process, and we haven't even opened the play yet! Often when I'm in a show, we get to the third weekend, and I feel like "Oh, that's how that's supposed to work! I wish I had known that sooner."  This time is different. It's a fun show too.

If you're in the area, and want to come to the show, let me know! Also, if you want to come FOR FREE, we need lots of people at previews this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (16th,17th, and 18th) so we can get used to having an audience laugh.

By the way, I never really told you how my time at home for Christmas went.

It was wonderful. I picked up my brother Steven from SFO, and we drove up 101 together, taking turns putting our iPods on the stereo to share music (I found out Steven likes to bump Jurassic 5). It's a really pretty drive. Daniel was there at home, Mom and Dad were really glad to see us, so was Violet (their kitty). Steven and I jammed on a little Paul Simon (I brought my bass guitar), Dad barbecued the turkey for Christmas dinner, it was delicious.

Steven and I even got to take a little walk up the redwoods in the drizzle. It was great. The woods up there are kind of my spiritual home. I love going up there.

When it came time to come back to the Bay, I was a little melancholy. In fact on the drive back, I felt really lonely. Then really angry. I don't know why I get so angry when I leave.

Anyways, that all passed, and I'm very pleased to be back here with all my friends. My new year's resolution is to put more into my friendships.

Here's a picture of the art that my parents gave me for Christmas:
by Elaine S. Benjamin,
Oh and here's the cool clock Steven gave me:
Hard Drive clock by John Berwick (a classmate of Steven's) 
So yeah, that's how things are for now.


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